Marine animals

  1. 2. cold blooded marine organisms regulate temperature externally.
  2. 6. body plan with symmetrical parts.
  3. 7. organisms living on ocean floor.
  4. 8. mammals produce milk for offspring.
  5. 9. new individual grows from parent.
  6. 11. animals with intskeletons skeletions.
  7. 13. Varied body shapes and structures among different organisms.
  8. 14. shedding old exoskeleton for growth.
  9. 15. mammals use placenta for nourishment.
  10. 17. warm blooded organisms regulate body temperatures.
  11. 18. tentacled jellyfish like marine organism.
  12. 20. internal skeleton supporting body structure.
  1. 1. air filled organ for buoyancy.
  2. 3. fluid filled system for locomotion.
  3. 4. tentacled body form in cnidarians.
  4. 5. two sided body plan in organisms.
  5. 10. Animals without backbone.
  6. 12. flexible skeletal tissue in some.
  7. 16. eggs with protective fluid filled membranes.
  8. 19. hard outer body covering.