
  1. 3. Difference of value between exports and imports
  2. 5. The process of selling to more than oue country
  3. 6. Negitive Balence of trade
  4. 7. Positive ballence of trade
  5. 9. Valuegained by a nation when it sells prouducts most efficentally
  6. 14. prouducts going out
  7. 15. Trade with no regulatins
  8. 17. Prouducts coming in
  9. 18. Tax
  10. 19. North America Free Trade Agreement
  1. 1. A trade system that ecompesses all countries
  2. 2. Complete economic sanction
  3. 4. When A country has uniqe resourses that allow it to produce prouducts at low cost
  4. 8. benifits to a country
  5. 10. Economic sanctions that protect domestic industry
  6. 11. Occurs when countries are capible of supplying other countries
  7. 12. Barriers that mae trade non profitable or impossible
  8. 13. Large unskilled labor willing to work for loww cost
  9. 16. World Trade Orginisation