Marking period 2

  1. 2. Kids are ______from a stranger .
  2. 3. I fell _____ when I see a horror movie.
  3. 7. I read the instructions _______ .
  4. 9. I fell ________when I sleep 8 hours .
  5. 12. Last year I ______ for a disease.
  6. 13. I do my _____ every day in my home .
  7. 14. The______shows what is on the picture .
  1. 1. The guy in the gas station is a ________.
  2. 4. The guy _______ at the car accident.
  3. 5. I was _______ because I found 5 dollars in the floor .
  4. 6. My parents live in a ______.
  5. 8. The people in te military has many _________.
  6. 9. My old parents ______every day .
  7. 10. I am _____ when I go to school.
  8. 11. I show _______to my grandma.