  1. 7. Brooklyn & Amelia tagged along with Mom & Dad & Aunt Kristen to this island state to experience true "distance learning"
  2. 8. Amelia continues to excel playing this instrument
  3. 9. to get out of all household chores, Lorie suggests breaking this body part
  4. 12. Brooklyn's new club sport
  5. 13. Amelia convinced her anti-pet mom to let her have this one animal
  6. 15. Greg's awesome employer
  7. 16. Brooklyn's new high school sport
  1. 1. Cali's major and incredible talent
  2. 2. where Trevor worked with cattle for a month and cleaned up after Hurricane Ida
  3. 3. Trevor & Brooklyn's least favorite math class
  4. 4. the number of screws the orthopedic surgeon used to put Lorie back together again
  5. 5. Trevor's current obsession
  6. 6. where Sister Martin was Called to Serve
  7. 10. don't be fooled, Amelia plays this in the school orchestra
  8. 11. after 5.5 years, Greg was released from this calling
  9. 12. the grade Lorie teaches on Fridays
  10. 14. Cali & Trevor attended this University together during winter semester