Martin Luther King Junior (MLK Jr.) Trivia

  1. 5. The statue of MLK Jr. in Washington, D.C. is called ______
  2. 6. MLK won this prize in 1964
  3. 10. City where MLK Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech
  4. 11. The name of MLK Jr’s. wife
  5. 14. State MLK Jr. was born
  1. 1. MLK Jr. led the ______ Bus Boycott
  2. 2. City where MLK Jr. was assassinated
  3. 3. Number of children MLK Jr. had
  4. 4. MLK Jr. attended this college
  5. 7. MLK Jr.’s birth name
  6. 8. MLK Jr. cofounded the _____ Christian Leadership Conference
  7. 9. MLK Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at this memorial
  8. 12. MLK Jr. was pastor at the _____ Avenue Baptist Church
  9. 13. This president established MLK Jr. Day as a holiday