- 2. A funny teenager from Queens
- 6. Thors brother
- 7. Blue person from guardians of the Galaxy
- 8. A woman superhero with light power
- 10. Wanda's brother
- 13. The leader of the Avengers
- 15. My fav song from guardians of the galaxy
- 16. The person that Peter quill likes
- 1. Blackwidows sister
- 3. The bad guy in Guardians of the galaxy 1
- 4. An animal that can talk and his back story is realy sad
- 5. A women assassin in the Avengers
- 9. The person who is Iron man
- 11. The guy who killed half the world
- 12. the guy who died in Infinity wars and he liked Wanda
- 14. What movie did Gamora die?