
  1. 2. ________ Industries
  2. 5. Marvel creator
  3. 7. Spider-man Foe
  4. 10. _______ the cat
  5. 11. Asgardian Robot
  6. 12. Director Fury
  7. 13. X-man with laser beam
  8. 15. Iron Man Mark 1 color
  9. 16. Loki's brother
  10. 17. Wakanda ruler
  11. 19. Scarlet Witch's brother
  12. 21. The destruction of Asgard
  13. 23. S.H.I.E.L.D transportation
  14. 26. Earth to Asgardians
  15. 27. Agent Coulson
  1. 1. Bucky _______
  2. 3. Sharon Carter's great-aunt
  3. 4. Spider-man's city
  4. 6. Space Stone cube
  5. 7. Soul Stone planet
  6. 8. Thor's father
  7. 9. Age Of Ultron city
  8. 14. Thor's axe
  9. 18. Wakanda metal
  10. 20. Asgardian Fire Demon
  11. 22. Guardian with arrow
  12. 23. Maria ______
  13. 24. _____ Reactor Core
  14. 25. Iron Man's bodyguard