
  1. 3. Villain in Inifinty War and Endgame
  2. 7. Who is Loki and Thor's sister
  3. 10. Hela is the god of?
  4. 11. Loki is the god of?
  5. 12. Finish the quote: I am...
  6. 13. Finish the quote: We have an army...
  7. 15. Where are Wanda and Pietro from?
  1. 1. Quicksilver
  2. 2. Who is Wanda Maximoff
  3. 4. Ten Rings
  4. 5. When Thanos snapped everyone away
  5. 6. Who is the lead in Hawkeye?
  6. 8. Maximoff
  7. 9. Thor is the god of?
  8. 14. Thor's brother