- 3. Thor is the God of
- 6. What scrapper 142 was revealed to be
- 10. Loki and Thor's father
- 13. Planet that the soul stone was on
- 14. Name of the infinity stone on Vision's head
- 17. Planet that the power stone was on
- 19. Drax's actual name
- 20. The country Wanda is from
- 25. Name of Thanos' ship in Infinity War
- 27. Killed Klaue
- 28. What Captain America's shield is made of
- 30. Only GOTG member to not get dusted
- 1. Hawkeye's wife
- 2. Name of Loki and Thor's sister
- 4. Alien race Loki sent to invade Earth
- 5. Hydra leader
- 7. The side Bucky's metal arm is on
- 8. Who Thanos took the space stone from
- 9. Town where Loki first encountered Sylvie
- 11. Which daughter did Thanos sacrifice
- 12. Only Marvel film without a postcredit scene
- 15. Hulk's human name
- 16. State Peter Quill was from
- 18. Color of Iron Man's original armor
- 21. Spiderman's first name
- 22. Black Widow's sister
- 23. Name of Thor's hammer
- 24. Pepper Potts real name
- 26. Where Sylvie hid to evade the TVA
- 29. Steve Roger's best friend