  1. 4. This branch of government is headed by Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. Their main task is to make the laws
  2. 6. A measure of steepness
  3. 7. This is one of the eight parts of speech that indicates surprise or emotion, such as "Ouch!" or "Wow!"
  4. 10. A number multiplied by a variable in an expression
  5. 11. In astronomy, what planet is the third closest to our Sun?
  6. 13. A letter representing a value that may change
  1. 1. In biology, what is the species name for human beings?
  2. 2. Definition of this word: (adj.) Longing for the past (Example the stresses of studying for exams, filling out college applications, and spirit week left many seniors _______ for the days when recess was still a daily activity
  3. 3. Who is the President of Russia? (2 words)
  4. 5. Throughout the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, the bird repeats which word?
  5. 8. A state park right near us that bears the name of a famous New Yorker (founder of Standard Oil Company and a billionaire!)
  6. 9. What famous scientist is credited with the discovery of the concept of gravity?
  7. 12. The first name of a major character in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”