Maternal Child

  1. 2. Common term for false labor pains
  2. 6. High B/P during pregnancy
  3. 8. Placenta detaching from womb prematurely
  4. 11. Woman pregnant for 1st time
  5. 12. Swelling during pregnancy
  6. 13. Term for baby’s head position during normal delivery
  7. 16. 1st milk produced by mother
  8. 17. 1st stool passed by newborn
  9. 18. Causes newborn jaundice
  10. 19. Surgical procedure for delivering a baby
  11. 20. Vitamin that prevents neural tube defects
  12. 22. Screening test for chromosomal abnormalities
  13. 24. Hormone that stimulates uterine connections
  1. 1. Test to check for gestational diabetes
  2. 3. Time frame of pregnancy measured in weeks
  3. 4. Natural end of pregnancy before fetus can survive
  4. 5. Sadness/depression after child birth
  5. 7. Position of baby with feet or buttocks first
  6. 9. Woman who has never given birth
  7. 10. 1st stage of labor
  8. 11. Baby born before 37 weeks
  9. 14. Surgical incision made to perineum
  10. 15. Structure that nourishes the fetus
  11. 21. Process of milk production
  12. 23. Soft spot on a newborn’s head