
  1. 2. Symbols that represent numbers or operations between numbers.
  2. 5. Angle An angle whose measure is between 0° and 90° or with less than
  3. 8. the bottom number of a fraction. The denominator is the total number of equal parts into which the numerator is being divided.
  4. 10. Numbers Mixed numbers refer to whole numbers combined with fractions or decimals. Example 3 1/2 or 3.5.
  5. 11. Triangle A triangle with at least one obtuse angle.
  6. 12. Numbers Mixed numbers refer to whole numbers combined with fractions or decimals. Example 3 1/2 or 3.5.
  7. 15. A procedure or set of steps used to solve a mathematical computation.
  8. 16. A straight line with only one endpoint that extends infinitely.
  9. 18. Symbols that represent numbers or operations between numbers.
  10. 20. A mathematical equation expressing inequality and containing a greater than (>), less than (<), or not equal to (≠) symbol.
  11. 23. The number that denotes repeated multiplication of a term, shown as a superscript above that term. The exponent of 34 is 4.
  12. 24. Fraction A fraction whose numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator, such as 6/4.
  1. 1. Angle: An angle measuring between 90° and 180°.
  2. 3. A term used to describe a shape whose sides are all equal length.
  3. 4. A polygon with eight sides.
  4. 6. The operation of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities by "taking away" one from the other
  5. 7. the complete distance around a circle or a square.
  6. 9. Line: A line whose points correspond to numbers.
  7. 13. the volume of substance that a container will hold.
  8. 14. Graph A graph that represents data visually using bars of different heights or lengths.
  9. 17. A real number on the base ten standard numbering system. 7
  10. 19. A number being divided into equal parts (inside the bracket in long division
  11. 21. All whole numbers, positive or negative, including zero.
  12. 22. A written symbol denoting a number value.