
  1. 1. a question that can be answered by collecting data that vary
  2. 3. lists a set of values and how often each one appears
  3. 4. the mean distance between each data value
  4. 6. a graph used to represent the frequency distribution of a few data points one variable
  5. 7. the most frequent number
  6. 9. displays the five-number summary of a set of data
  7. 11. the difference between the highest and lowest values
  8. 13. the middle of a sorted list of numbers
  9. 14. a measure of spread for a distribution of a variable
  1. 2. a measure of variability that indicat es absolutedeviation the average distance between observations and their mean
  2. 5. a function that specifies all possible values for a variable and also quantifies the relative frequency
  3. 8. three values that split sorted data into four parts, each with an equal number of observations
  4. 10. an extreme value in a data set much larger or much smaller than all the other value
  5. 12. a average set of values