
  1. 2. The square root of 25.
  2. 4. A number with no fractions or decimals that can be positives, negatives, and 0.
  3. 7. The number of wormholes in Bethany if they increase 25% from 40
  4. 8. A number that is only divisible by 1 and itself.
  5. 11. A number with no fractions or decimals. Includes positives and 0.
  6. 13. The function that takes any number and makes it positive.
  7. 15. The "E" in "PEMDAS" (answer is plural)
  8. 16. The exponent on the 2 in the prime factorization of 120
  1. 1. The divisibility rule that belongs in Bethany.
  2. 3. A positive number with no fractions or decimals. 0 not included.
  3. 5. The value of x in 2x + 7 - x = -6 + 22
  4. 6. A number that can have decimals and fractions. It can also be negative, positive, or 0.
  5. 9. 0.4 is equal to ____ percent
  6. 10. The only even prime number.
  7. 12. The only number that is neither prime nor composite.
  8. 14. In the mnemonic "Speed is Dash" (S-I-D) for the process of solving an equation, the S stands for...
  9. 17. The greatest common divisor of 72 and 40