
  1. 1. _ Notation used to write really long numbers in a shorter way.
  2. 3. Where lines cross
  3. 4. Proportional Equation
  4. 5. Written y2-y1/x2-x2
  5. 7. Always written (x, y).
  6. 10. Represented by a,m,&k. Keywords are per, each, & every.
  7. 12. _ Numbers can be written as fractions. Their decimals terminate or repeat.
  8. 14. Answer to a division problem
  9. 15. _ Numbers do not end or repeat. Like pi.
  10. 17. x variable. Usually time.
  11. 21. A holiday in November.
  12. 23. A holiday at the end of October.
  13. 24. Keywords that tell us to setup and solve a proportion/WON box.
  14. 26. Divide it by 100 to get a decimal.
  15. 28. Answer to a subtraction problem
  1. 2. Does NOT go through the origin. Has slope & y-intercept numbers.
  2. 4. Slope Intercept Form for non-proportional relationships.
  3. 6. Goes through the origin. Slope only. b=0
  4. 8. Answer to a multiplication problem
  5. 9. The bottom of a fraction.
  6. 10. The button you press to begin using the calculator to solve for slope & y-intercept.
  7. 11. Include all whole numbers and their negative opposites.
  8. 13. Represented by b always. The point where the line crosses the y-axis.
  9. 16. _ Number System includes all rational & irrational numbers.
  10. 18. The top of a fraction.
  11. 19. A holiday in December.
  12. 20. _ Numbers include 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
  13. 22. Answer to an addition problem
  14. 25. y variable. Changes based on the x variable.
  15. 27. (0, 0)