
  1. 3. The degree to which a measurement is close to the true value.
  2. 4. Mapping points across a line to create a mirror image.
  3. 5. Measure of the steepness or incline of a line.
  4. 7. A mathematical statement comparing two values that are not equal.
  5. 8. To restrict or limit movement or values.
  6. 10. Stretching or compressing a shape proportionally.
  7. 11. Indicates how many times a number is multiplied by itself.
  1. 1. Moving every point of a shape the same distance in the same direction.
  2. 2. An irrational root that cannot be simplified to a rational number.
  3. 6. To set limits on the range or domain of a function.
  4. 7. A small number that indicates the power or position of a term.
  5. 9. The top part of a fraction, representing the number of parts.