Math 3rd Quarter Bonus Activity

  1. 3. Rise over run is the formula for ____.
  2. 6. A negative times a negative is a ____.
  3. 7. x,y,a, and b are all letters used for unknown numbers known as _______.
  4. 9. In a rectangle, length time width is the _____.
  5. 10. These are whole numbers (Both positive and negative) including zero.
  6. 12. This math number is approximately equal to 3.141593.
  7. 14. This is a set of numbers without bound limit or end.
  8. 16. In Roman numerals, C = ______.
  1. 1. This is the study of lines, angles and shapes and their properties.
  2. 2. In a circle, Pi times the ____ = Area.
  3. 4. In an equation, you must have an ___ ___ (2 words).
  4. 5. A negative times a positive is a ____.
  5. 6. These numbers are integers greater than 1 which are only divisible by themselves and 1.
  6. 8. in a triangle, 1/2 the ____ times the height = Area.
  7. 9. When you are told to find a sum, you should be using the math operation of ________.
  8. 11. The academic quarter that we are currently in.
  9. 13. This is the study of math that substitutes letters for numbers to solve for unknown values.
  10. 15. In Roman numerals, X = _______.
  11. 17. This angle has a measure of exactly 90 degrees.