
  1. 3. if there is a vertex of a polynomial at a zero, ie f(x)=0, the multiplicity of that factor will be:??
  2. 8. straight line coeffient
  3. 9. the distance from the origin to the point at which a line, curve, or surface cuts a coordinate axis
  4. 11. sign of the leading coeffient for a concave down graph
  5. 13. term under the long division sign
  6. 16. shape of a 4-atic
  7. 17. has turning point,symmetric on y-axis
  8. 18. if constant = 0, has only odd degrees, it is symmetrical around the:??
  9. 19. a stage in a scale of relative amount or intensity
  10. 20. a numerical or constant factor in an algebraic term
  11. 24. if as f(x) →0 x→∞ the asymptote is:??
  12. 25. the branch of science, divided into statics, dynamics, and kinematics, concerned with the equilibrium or motion of bodies in a particular frame of reference
  13. 26. -(b/2a) identifies the axis of
  14. 27. the behavior of the function as x or y approach infinite,ie f(x)=1/x
  15. 28. to find the perfect square sub in a new term that is the square of the b coefficient divided by:
  16. 29. the smallest quantity of some physical property, such as energy, that a system can possess according to the quantum theory
  17. 30. formula the generalization of completing the square
  18. 32. if a=1 the 2 integars that sum to the b coefficient and product to c provide the:
  19. 36. zero theorem
  20. 37. an expression consisting of a single term, such as 5ax
  21. 38. solving standard form for x gives you the quadratic ?
  1. 1. the maxium top/bottom of a parabola, coordinates are: -{b/2a),ƒ(-(b/2a))
  2. 2. a symbol representing an unspecified number that remains invariable throughout a particular series of operations
  3. 4. term above long division sign
  4. 5. square will give you the x intercepts when y=0 in a quadratic equation
  5. 6. crosses x axis,if it begins + will end -
  6. 7. 1 degree less than the divsor, divided by the divisor
  7. 10. a function that is the ratio of 2 polynomials excluding the zeros of the denominator is:??
  8. 12. if a 4-atic eq. is solvable(ie f(x)=0) what is not negative, hint: b2-4ac
  9. 14. the squared coeffient
  10. 15. to find the x-intercept let ƒ(x) equal to:
  11. 21. a mathematical expression consisting of a sum of terms each of which is the product of a constant and one or more variables raised to a positive or zero integral power. For one variable, x, the general form is given by: a0xn + a1xn--1 + ... + an--1 x + an, where a0, a1, etc., are real numbers
  12. 22. sign of the leading coeffient for a concave up graph
  13. 23. division utilizing the remainder theorem,ie divisor is (x-c)
  14. 26. to solve 4-atic ?? form:factor out a, add/subtract b2/4a2,inside parentheses is perfect square,-h is axis of symmetry,k is f(h)
  15. 31. the y-intercept implies x=0 and is quickly identified by the:
  16. 33. what we need to do to find the zeros in a polynomial
  17. 34. the axis of symmetry is
  18. 35. a quadratic function only changes signs at its: ??