
  1. 2. ______ are part of a whole
  2. 4. the _______________ people were the first to discover irrational numbers.
  3. 6. ____________are numbers that cannot be simplified by removing square roots, cube roots, etc.
  4. 8. Counting numbers are called __________
  5. 9. the process of visualization if representation if numbers on the number line through a magnifying glass is called ____________ magnification.
  6. 10. in rationalization, each surd is known as a ____________
  7. 11. the collection of all rational numbers and irrational numbers together is called ___________.
  8. 12. numbers that cannot be written in the form p q , where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0 is called ____________.
  1. 1. numbers which are negative, positive or zero but not fractions are called _______
  2. 3. the process in which an irrational number is multiplied with another irrational number to get the product as a rational number is known as ________________
  3. 5. natural numbers along with 0 are called _____________________
  4. 7. numbers that can be written in the form p q , where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0 is called ______.