
  1. 2. 3.14
  2. 4. The distance around a circle
  3. 7. Angle less than 89 degrees
  4. 10. 10 sided shape
  5. 12. distance around the edge of a shape
  6. 14. The lower number in the fraction
  7. 15. six sided shape
  8. 17. A squared plus B squared equals C squared
  9. 19. numbers that are less than 0
  10. 20. Numbers that can be divided by 2
  1. 1. Distance across the circle
  2. 3. the square distance inside a shape
  3. 5. to get rid of all radicals that are in the denominator
  4. 6. a closed shape and a type of polygon that has four sides, four vertices and four angles
  5. 8. Angle more than 91 degrees
  6. 9. 8 sided shape
  7. 11. the longest side of a triangle
  8. 13. whole numbers
  9. 16. when two shapes are identical
  10. 18. numbers that have a remainder when divided by 2