Math Crossword

  1. 3. The test by which it is shown whether a function is a one-to-one function or not, and therefore whether its inverse is a function.
  2. 6. linear inequalities that bound the feasible region in a linear programming problem.
  3. 7. The set of all possible ordered pairs (a, b) composed of elements taken from the two sets, A and B.
  4. 9. A relation which assigns exactly one element in its range for each element in its domain.
  5. 11. A function is periodic if and only if f (x) = f (x + c), for all values x, where c is a constant. A periodic function repeats itself at regular intervals.
  6. 12. A function f is odd if f (x) = - f (- x).
  7. 15. A function is defined at a given value of the independent variable if it assigns that input an output; defined means "takes on a value".
  8. 17. A relation which assigns a correspondence from the elements of the range to those of the domain. The inverse of a function or relation can be found by interchanging the variables in the function or relation.
  9. 18. A rule that associates the elements of one set with those of another set. A relation can also be thought of as all of the ordered pairs which satisfy the rule.
  10. 19. The test by which a relation is either shown to be a function or not. The graph of a function does not intersect with a vertical line more than once.
  11. 20. a real number that is defined for any square matrix A, expressed either as det (A) or ∣A∣.
  12. 21. the fixed line used to define a parabola; all points on the parabola must be the same distance from the directrix as they are from the parabola's focus.
  13. 23. trigonometric function pairs which differ only in the presence or absence of the prefix "co," such as sine and cosine.
  14. 25. The set of all outputs of a function or relation.
  15. 26. A function operation symbolized (fog)(x) that is equivalent to f (g(x)).
  1. 1. the value by which the graph of a trigonometric function such as sine or cosine is stretched; the amplitude is always a positive value.
  2. 2. The variable of a function which does not depend on the other variable -- it is the input.
  3. 4. a set of coplanar points equidistant from a fixed point called the center.
  4. 5. A function is one-to-one if each element in its range is paired with exactly one element from its domain.
  5. 8. The output variable of a function; the variable whose value depends on the input, or independent variable.
  6. 10. the value Cij = (−1)i + j · Mij based upon some element aij in a square matrix, where Mij is the minor associated with aij.
  7. 13. A function is undefined at a given value of its independent variable if for that value, there is no output--this occurs when a particular input creates a situation in which there is division by zero, or an even root of a negative number, for example.
  8. 14. A function is piecewise if and only if it uses different rules for different parts of its domain.
  9. 16. the angle measured from the positive x-axis to the segment joining the origin and the point representing the graph of complex number c.
  10. 22. The set of all inputs for which a function or relation is defined.
  11. 24. A function f is even if f (x) = f (- x).