math crossword

  1. 1. Lying in the same plane. For example, any set of three points in space are coplanar.
  2. 6. A three-dimensional geometric figure with parallel congruent bases. The bases can be shaped like any closed plane figure (not necessarily a circle) and must be oriented identically.
  3. 7. A three dimensional figure with a single base tapering to an apex. The base can be any simple closed curve. Often the word cone refers to a right circular cone.
  4. 10. The distance around the outside of a plane figure. For a polygon, the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides.
  5. 12. A transformation in which a figure grows smaller. Compressions may be with respect to a point (compression of a geometric figure) or with respect to the axis of a graph (compression of a graph).
  6. 14. the base (the apex).
  7. 16. A polyhedron that has a base and three or more triangular faces that meet at a point
  8. 17. Two rays sharing a common endpoint. Angles are typically measured in degrees or radians.
  9. 18. A part of a line starting at a particular point and extending infinitely in one direction.
  10. 19. The point halfway between two given points.
  11. 20. One of the flat surfaces making up a polyhedron. Note: The faces of a polyhedron are all polygons.
  12. 22. A corner point of a geometric figure. For a polygon, vertices are where adjacent sides meet. For an angle, the vertex is where the tworays making up the angle meet.
  13. 23. term
  14. 26. any angle A between 0° and 180°, the supplement of A is 180° – A.
  15. 29. polygon A geometric figure with no indentations. Formally, a geometric figure is convex if every line segment connecting interior points is entirely contained within the figure's interior.
  16. 31. segment All points between two given points (including the given points themselves).
  17. 32. A flat surface extending in all directions. Any three noncollinear points lie on one and only one plane. So do any two distinctintersecting lines. A plane is a two-dimensional figure.
  18. 34. The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle. Note: The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle.
  19. 36. angles Two angles in a plane which share a common vertex and a common side but do not overlap. Angles 1 and 2 below are adjacent angles.
  20. 38. A line from the center of a circle to a point on the circle
  21. 40. An assertion that can be proved true using the rules of logic. A theorem is proven from axioms, postulates, or other theorems already known to be true.
  22. 41. Lying on the same line.
  23. 43. pair Two angles that are adjacent (share a leg) and supplementary (add up to 180°)
  24. 44. The edges of a polygon are the outside boundaries. In thesquare on the right, you can see four edges. In apolyhedron, like thedodecahedron on the right, an edge is where two faces meet. The edges are the yellow lines.
  25. 45. proof is an argument that shows something (like a theorem) is true beyond any doubt. In math, sometimes a proof is all numbers and symbols and sometimes there are sentences too.
  1. 1. Exactly equal in size and shape. Congruent sides or segments have the exact same length. Congruent angles have the exact same measure. For any set of congruent geometric figures, corresponding sides, angles, faces, etc. are congruent.
  2. 2. A closed plane figure for which all sides are line segments. The name of a polygon describes the number of sides. A polygon which has all sides mutually congruent and all angles mutually congruent is called a regular polygon.
  3. 3. the extent or measurement of a surface or piece of land.
  4. 4. angle An angle that has measure more than 90° and less than 180°.
  5. 5. A line segment between two points on the circle or sphere which passes through the center. The word diameter is also also refers to the length of this line segment.
  6. 7. On the coordinate plane, the pair of numbers giving the location of a point (ordered pair). In three-dimensional coordinates, the triple of numbers giving the location of a point (ordered triple). In n-dimensional space, a sequence of n numbers written in parentheses.
  7. 8. At a 90° angle. Note: Perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals.
  8. 9. Complementary angles are NOT angles that say "Oh, what a nice shirt and I just love the hair!" Those would be "complimentary angles" spelled with an "i".
  9. 11. A unit of angle measure equal to of a complete revolution. There are 360 degrees in a circle. Degrees are indicated by the ° symbol, so 35° means 35 degrees.
  10. 13. A complete circular arc. Circumference also means the distance around the the outside of a circle.
  11. 15. A three dimensional solid consisting of all points equidistant from a given point. This point is the center of the sphere. Note: All cross-sections of a sphere are circles.
  12. 21. Point B is between points A and C if it is on the line segment connecting A and C.
  13. 24. geometric figure formed at the intersection of two distinct lines.
  14. 25. A statement accepted as true without proof. A postulate should be so simple and direct that it seems to be unquestionably true.
  15. 27. A solid with no curved surfaces or edges. All faces are polygons and all edges are line segments.
  16. 28. rays Two rays with a common endpoint that point in opposite directions and form a straight line.
  17. 30. Two distinct coplanar lines that do not intersect. Note: Parallel lines have the same slope.
  18. 33. angles In the diagram below, angles 1 and 4 are vertical. So are angles 2 and 3. Vertical angles are angles opposite one another at the intersection of two lines. Vertical angles are congruent.
  19. 35. angle An angle that has measure less than 90°.
  20. 37. polygon Technically, if you can connect two vertices (the corners) of a polygon and have all or part of the line go OUTSIDE the polygon, then the polygon is concave. I just remember that, if there is a cave (like the kind a bear lives in), then it's concave.
  21. 39. Cut into two congruent halves.
  22. 42. angle A 90° angle.
  23. 45. A solid with parallel congruent bases which are both polygons. The bases must be oriented identically. The lateral faces of a prism are all parallelograms or rectangles.