  1. 2. a rational number who's cube root is a whole number. 27 is a perfect cube because its cube root is 3.
  2. 3. a product of repeated factors using an exponent and a base. The power 7 is read 7 to the third power or seven cubed.
  3. 6. a repeating decimal where the repeating digit is zero.
  4. 7. A number that can be written as a fraction.
  5. 10. A number that cannot be written as a fraction.
  6. 11. In a power the number of time the base is used as a faction. In 10 , the exponent is 3.
  7. 13. one of two equal factors of a number. If a =b,then a is the square root of b. A square root of 144 is 12 since 12 =144.
  8. 14. One of three equal factors of a number. if a =b, then a is the cube root of b. The cube root of 64 is 4 since 4 = 64.
  1. 1. a rational number who's square root is a whole number. 25 is a perfect square because its square root is 5
  2. 4. repeating a set of digits.
  3. 5. A compact way of writing numbers with absolute values that are very large or very small. In scientific notation, 5,000 is 5.5x
  4. 8. the set of rational numbers set with the irrational numbers.
  5. 9. the symbol used to indicate a positive square root .
  6. 12. In a power, the number that is the common factor. In 10 , the base is 10. That is 10 =10x10x10.