math definitions by Fletcher

  1. 4. the grouping symbols change
  2. 6. positive and negative number with no decimals or fractions
  3. 8. anything plus zero equals anything
  4. 11. <,>,< or equal to,> or equal to
  5. 14. anything times one equals anything
  6. 15. 1,2
  7. 17. all numbers
  8. 18. fraction or decimals that end, or repeat, have a pattern
  9. 19. the order switches
  10. 20. 0,1,2
  1. 1. multiplying by the reciprocal
  2. 2. letter or symbol that represents
  3. 3. multiplying a number by zero equals zero
  4. 5. efficient the number attached to the variable
  5. 7. simplify; no equal sign
  6. 9. share
  7. 10. solve; expression=expression
  8. 12. adding the opposite
  9. 13. 3x-10=5x+5
  10. 16. decimals that do not end or have a pattern