Math Equations

  1. 1. y=f(x)-+ c represents a vertical
  2. 3. a parabola represents a, function
  3. 4. when a quadratic function is in this form: f(x)=a(x-h)2 +k it is said to be in, form
  4. 7. a, of a function f is a number x for which f(x)=0
  5. 9. the graph of a second degree polynomial is called a
  6. 11. is the highest or lowest point on a parabola
  7. 12. rule of signs was named after a mathematician who based finding zeros on variation in signs
  8. 13. according to the leading coefficient test, if the exponent is odd and leading coefficient is positive, the graph falls to the, ,and rises to the right
  1. 2. the value theorem verifies the existence of real zeros of polynomial functions
  2. 5. this is the other type of division besides synthetic division
  3. 6. one of the steps involved when writing the standard form of a polynomial is completing
  4. 8. a parabola can be up or down
  5. 9. this type of polynomial is used for divisors of the form x-k
  6. 10. you can use Descartes rule of signs to determine the number of positive or negative zeros in a function