Math for 5th
- 5. seven multiplied six
- 7. four multiplied five
- 8. eight multiplied eight
- 12. five multiplied five
- 13. The franction is equal to 2/5 and 3/7, if The Franctions have a same ...
- 15. seven multiplied seven
- 17. 3 143 562 is ... than 4 143 562
- 21. 85 310 is ... when rounded of the nearest thousand
- 22. 1/2 is ... than 4/8
- 23. six multiplied nine
- 24. three multiplied three
- 25. 5.678.943, the digit 3 is in the ... place
- 1. nine multiplied seven
- 2. nine multiplied nine
- 3. five multiplied nine
- 4. 100 400 is ... than 100 399
- 6. six multiplied sis
- 9. eight multyplied nine
- 10. ten multiplied one hundred
- 11. nine multiplied three
- 14. 85 210 is ... to 85 000 than to 86 000
- 16. 3.456.987, the digit 3 is in the ... place
- 18. eigth multiplied seven
- 19. four multiplied four
- 20. two multiplied two