Math Project

  1. 4. a line that cuts across parallel lines
  2. 6. A set of translations, rotations, reflections, or dilations on a figure
  3. 10. The amount y changes when x increases by 1 in a linear relationship
  4. 11. To turn the same direction as the hands of a clock
  5. 12. When two parallel lines are crossed by another line called a transversal
  6. 14. A number we can calculate using any two points on the line
  7. 17. a pair of values that make an equation true
  8. 21. When two numbers or more are added to another
  9. 22. The opposite of multiplication
  10. 24. the result of a translation, rotation, or a reflection
  11. 26. When a figure can be moved with translations, rotations, and reflections to fit over another perfectly
  12. 27. The operation where the logo is an X or *
  13. 28. a translation, rotation, reflection, or dilation or a combo of them
  14. 29. A fixed point on a plane
  15. 30. an angle that forms a straight line
  1. 1. When a figure moves every point in a figure a given distance in a given direction
  2. 2. a transformation in which each point on a figure moves alone a line and changes its distance from a fixed point
  3. 3. The opposite of addition
  4. 5. When a figure doesn't change when x changes
  5. 7. The answer to a problem
  6. 8. When a figure moves every point around a center by a given angle at a given direction
  7. 9. When a figure moves every point on a figure to a point on the opposite side of the line
  8. 13. a set of two or more equations
  9. 15. When part of an original figure matches up with a part of a copy
  10. 16. A relationship between two quantities so when one changes, so does the other.
  11. 18. the point where the graph of a line crosses the vertical axis
  12. 19. To turn in the opposite direction as the hands of a clock
  13. 20. A move that does not change any measurements of a figure
  14. 23. Opposite angles that share the same vertex
  15. 25. When two figures can fit over the other after rigid transformations and dilations