math puzzle

  1. 3. the number we obtain when divide one number by another
  2. 6. the whole is divided into equal parts
  3. 8. any number that can be writing as a frashin
  4. 14. a set of two numbers that when added together equal zero
  5. 17. the whole is divided into equal parts
  6. 19. numbers that have only 2 factors:1 and themselves
  7. 21. the result of subtracting one number from another
  8. 24. numbers that have more than two factors
  9. 25. the greatest number that is a faster of both number
  10. 26. a way of finding the prime factors of a number is evenly divisible by these factors
  1. 1. collection of all the basic counting number and zero
  2. 2. a whole number that can be positive or negative
  3. 4. the value that is divided by another value to get the result
  4. 5. a whole number that can divide a greater number evenly
  5. 7. the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field
  6. 9. distance from zero that a number in on the number is in the line without considering direction
  7. 10. the smallest number that is a multiple
  8. 11. an act or process of withdrawing
  9. 12. reducing the expression/fraction/ prob in a simpler form
  10. 13. the number you get when you multiply a certain number
  11. 15. a part of the number system which in clues all the posit I've integers from I till in fin its and are also used for counting purpose
  12. 16. mite be a ding problem but it mite be not be
  13. 18. the opposite of sum thing elevation an angle between the horizontal line
  14. 20. a number that consists of a whole and fractional
  15. 22. a finan cian tool that allows individuals and businesses to borrow money
  16. 23. when you put money into an a count