Math Puzzle

  1. 2. what is this formula "y=mx+c"
  2. 7. ">" this symbols means?
  3. 8. who is the founder of indices?
  4. 13. what formula found in 1594 bye Simon Stevin?
  5. 15. √ this symbol is a ?
  6. 18. who is the founder of coordinate geometry?
  7. 19. what is the formula used for solving quadratic equation?
  1. 1. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  2. 3. when a^0=
  3. 4. René Descartes introduced what in the 17h century?
  4. 5. What term did Samuel Jeake introduced in 1696
  5. 6. we can use ..... to solve length of a line segment
  6. 9. who is the founder of graph of function?
  7. 10. alternative way to solve quadratic equation
  8. 11. who is the founder of quadratic equation?
  9. 12. What is this formula "y = x3" for?
  10. 14. who is the founder of linear inequalities?
  11. 16. "<" this symbols means?
  12. 17. How do you solve this equation "a^m x a^n "?
  13. 20. How do you solve this equation "a^m : a^n"?