Math terms

  1. 3. this is the average of the numbers
  2. 7. the whole group from which a sample is taken
  3. 9. a section taken from a large group (the population) so that you can exsamine it to find out something about the large group
  4. 11. the point where two or more straight lines meet
  5. 12. the number that appears most often in a set of numbers
  6. 13. the diffrence between the lowest and highest values
  7. 14. where a function equals the walue of ???
  1. 1. the values that divide the list of numbers into Quarters
  2. 2. a specail curve shaped like an arch
  3. 4. th longest side in a tringle
  4. 5. the value that "lies inside" most of the othe values in the set of data
  5. 6. a systematic (built in)error witch makes all values wrong ny a certain amout
  6. 8. the total amout of money borrowed
  7. 10. the middle number