Math Vocabulary

  1. 2. a general term for four specific ways to manipulate the shape and/or position of a point, a line, or geometric figure.
  2. 5. two angles that are on the interior of (between) the two lines and specifically on the same side of the transversal.
  3. 6. the longest side of a right triangle. In other words, the side opposite to the right angle
  4. 7. V=πxr^2xh
  5. 9. angles opposite each other where two lines cross
  6. 11. A perfect cube of a number is a number that is equal to the number, multiplied by itself, three times
  7. 15. when two figures have the same shape but their sizes are different
  8. 19. a number that occurs commonly and obviously in nature
  9. 20. the well-known geometric theorem that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square on the hypotenuse. a^2 + b^2= c^2
  10. 21. A line that crosses at least two other lines
  11. 23. a whole number, that can be positive, negative, or zero
  12. 24. An integer that can be expressed as the square of another integer
  13. 26. a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction for any integers
  14. 27. a mirror image of the shape
  15. 29. a factor of a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number
  16. 30. a composition of the x coordinate and the y coordinate, having two values written in a fixed order within parentheses
  17. 31. a factor of a number that when multiplied by itself, gives the original number
  18. 32. a way of writing very large or very small numbers
  19. 36. a type of transformation that takes each point in a figure and slides it the same distance in the same direction.
  20. 37. a pair of matching angles or sides that are in the same spot in two different shapes.
  21. 38. a straight line passing through the center of a figure or body.
  22. 39. the ratio between the scale of a given original object and a new object, which is its representation but of a different size
  23. 40. any pair of angles each of which is on the same side of one of two lines cut by a transversal and on the same side of the transversal.
  1. 1. 4/3 x π x r^3
  2. 3. the pair of angles on the outer side of the two parallel lines but on the opposite side of the transversal.
  3. 4. same
  4. 8. When reflecting a figure in a line or in a point, the image is congruent to the preimage. A reflection maps every point of a figure to an image across a fixed line
  5. 10. a^2+b^2 = c^2 where a, b and c are the three positive integers.
  6. 12. a two-dimension surface formed by two number lines
  7. 13. V=πxr^2x h/3
  8. 14. a collection of all the basic counting numbers and 0
  9. 15. Two angles that are exterior to the parallel lines and on the same side of the transversal line
  10. 16. a number that is the factor that we multiply by itself to get that number
  11. 17. one of a pair of angles on opposite sides of a line intersecting two other lines and outside the two intersected lines.
  12. 18. a type of transformation that takes each point in a figure and rotates it a certain number of degrees around a given point.
  13. 22. formed when two lines intersect each other at a single point
  14. 25. the √ symbol that is used to denote square root
  15. 28. the union of both rational and irrational numbers
  16. 33. refers to the number of times a number is multiplied by itself
  17. 34. any number that can be written as a fraction, where both the numerator and the denominator are integers, and the denominator is not equal to zero
  18. 35. the act or action of enlarging, expanding, or widening