Math Vocabulary

  1. 8. The process of resizing an object by a certain scale factor
  2. 9. A quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised
  3. 10. The longest side of a right triangle, opposite of the right angle
  4. 11. Moves a shape left, right, up, down, but doesn't turn it
  5. 12. Identical in shape or size
  6. 13. A line, ray, or line segment that interacts with other lines, rays, or line segments on a plane at different intersecting points
  7. 15. Closed two dimensional shape with three sides, three angles, and three vertices
  1. 1. A technique that involves manipulating a system of equations algebraically by eliminating one of the variables
  2. 2. Putting values where letters are
  3. 3. A pictorial representation or diagram that represents data or values in an organized manner
  4. 4. The circular motion of an object around a center, axis, or a fixed point
  5. 5. An expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between X and Y
  6. 6. A two dimensional figure that has a finite amount of sides
  7. 7. A type of geometrical transformation where an object is flipped to make a mirror or congruent image
  8. 14. The measure of steepness and the direction of the line