Math Vocabulary - Test Verbs

  1. 3. to perform mathematical operations
  2. 5. one or a group of mathematical symbols representing a number or quantity that may include numbers, variables, operators and grouping symbols
  3. 7. to use the rules of arithmetic to rewrite an expression as simply as possible
  4. 8. to find the value of an expression
  5. 9. answer to a problem
  6. 10. answer
  1. 1. add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve problems
  2. 2. use words, numbers, or symbols to "support" your answer
  3. 4. use words, numbers, and/or symbols in your explanation
  4. 6. uses an equal sign between two expressions
  5. 8. to use logic to make an educated guess that is close to the actual value
  6. 11. to work out the answer