Math Vocabulary

  1. 2. The part of an if-then statement that follows then.
  2. 7. An if-then statement.
  3. 9. Two angles whose mearsurment is the sum of 180 degreese.
  4. 10. A conclusion reached by using inductive reasoning.
  5. 11. Lines that do not lie in the same plane.
  6. 13. If p then q then p again then q again.
  1. 1. Two coplanar angles that have a common side and a common vertex but no common interior points.
  2. 2. Segments that have the same length
  3. 3. If p then q then not q then p again.
  4. 4. that lie on the same line.
  5. 5. Two lies that lie on a plane and never intersect.
  6. 6. Two angles whose measures have a sum of 90 degreese.
  7. 8. What follows if in a conditional.
  8. 12. The conditional "if p then q" is the conditional "if not q then not p." A conditionaland its contrapositive always have the same truth value.
  9. 14. The figures in the same plane.