Math Words

  1. 1. a particular amount of money
  2. 5. a calculated central value of a set of numbers
  3. 8. much I thought a_ m_ch
  4. 13. taking one number away from another
  5. 14. the action of separating something into parts
  6. 15. the number you divide up
  7. 17. the answer after you divide one number by another
  8. 19. used to refer to two things
  9. 21. a way in which things are not the same
  10. 22. to break into parts
  11. 23. include everything
  12. 25. give shares of something or deal out
  13. 28. when something is left over
  14. 29. away remove from a certain place
  15. 31. go down
  16. 33. add sums to get this
  1. 1. to split one into two
  2. 2. than not as great in amount or quantity
  3. 3. go up
  4. 4. bring things together
  5. 6. finding the total by combining two or more numbers
  6. 7. below zero or to subtract
  7. 9. of when multiplying numbers, you group them in these
  8. 10. the answer when two or more numbers are multiplied together
  9. 11. the basic idea of multiplication is repeated addition
  10. 12. connect
  11. 16. the number you divide by
  12. 18. you use scissors to do this
  13. 20. with the addition of
  14. 24. for each
  15. 26. with or in proximity to something or someone else
  16. 27. another word for multiply that rhymes with limes
  17. 30. numbers you can multiply together to get another number
  18. 32. shows the relatives sizes of two or more values