
  1. 4. what does this symbol stand for: π
  2. 6. what is a number that can't be written as p/q, where p and q are integers
  3. 7. what is a triangle with all sides equal called (Do not include the word "triangle")
  4. 11. a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.
  5. 12. what is it called when two lines intersect and form right angles?
  6. 15. what does AA stand for in geometry? (use "_" for space)
  7. 16. what does the "i" act as in the complex plane, compared to the coordinate plane(enter the space as "_")
  8. 17. what does this symbol stand for: √ (use "_" for space)
  9. 18. a subject in math that has many shapes, such as squares
  10. 19. what does cos stand for?
  1. 1. what does SSS stand for in geometry? (use "_" for spaces)
  2. 2. what does "tan" stand for?
  3. 3. what is is called when two shapes are alike, but they aren't in the same size?
  4. 5. what is it called when two lines never intersect?
  5. 8. what is it called when two or more things are the same? (this symbol is used: "≡")
  6. 9. what is a line's y coordinate/x coordinate called?
  7. 10. what is the longest side of a right triangle called
  8. 13. what does SAS stand for in geometry? (use "_" for spaces)
  9. 14. what is the power of something called (m^n what is the ^n called in general)
  10. 19. a shape that is round like a disk