
  1. 3. a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(C)
  2. 4. An extreme value in a set of data
  3. 6. The value of an investment or loan on a date before the end of the term
  4. 7. Unrepresentative sample
  5. 9. Three values that divide a set of data into four intervals with equal numbers of data
  6. 10. The value of an investment or loan at the end of the term
  7. 11. The middle value when data is arranged least to greatest
  8. 14. A binomial form of x2-r2
  9. 18. The value that occurs the most
  10. 19. Data that can have any numerical value
  11. 20. A group that are representative of the population that are taken
  12. 21. decay non linear growth represented with an downward curve
  13. 22. One round of a probability experiment
  14. 25. A Vertical line that passes through vertex
  15. 26. All individuals or items that belong to a group being studied
  16. 27. The x intercept in a quadratic relation
  17. 28. A possible result of an experiment
  18. 29. The sum of values in a set of data divided by the number of numbers in the data
  19. 31. Side that forms one side of the right angle ,across the hypotenuse
  20. 32. Data that are distinct and can be counted
  21. 33. The time it takes for a quantity to decay or be reduced to half its initial amount
  1. 1. Longest side of the triangle
  2. 2. The graph of a quadratic relation
  3. 3. The length of time for which interest is calculated before accumulated
  4. 5. The point where the parabola changes from decreasing to increasing or visa versa
  5. 8. Time required for a quantity to double in number
  6. 12. Triangle measurements
  7. 13. The interest paid on the principle and its accumulated interest
  8. 15. Typical value for a probability distribution
  9. 16. a/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C
  10. 17. Non linear growth represented with an upward curve
  11. 23. The money paid on an investment or loan . A percent of the principal
  12. 24. A set of outcomes with the same result
  13. 26. The value of the initial investment or loan
  14. 30. The difference between the highest and lowest values in set data