
  1. 5. is the least common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions.
  2. 6. is the greatest factor that divides two numbers.
  3. 8. is a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero.
  4. 9. is any function which can be defined by a rational fraction.
  5. 10. an algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two terms.
  1. 1. quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised, usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression.
  2. 2. means finding the common factor from the given set of monomials.
  3. 3. Is a factor which has a variable and a term with some exponents
  4. 4. is an expression built up from integer constants, variables, and the algebraic operations.
  5. 7. is an expression consisting of variables and coefficients.