
  1. 1. Each value in a matrix also called an element 17
  2. 7. A rectangular array of numbers 23
  3. 10. -Value Function A function whose rule contains absolute- value expressions 1
  4. 14. An equation that has no solutions 10
  5. 16. angle An angle that measure greater than 0 and less then 90 3
  6. 17. The point that divides a segment into two congruent segments 26
  7. 18. A monomial or a sum or difference of monomials 33
  8. 20. system of equations A system in which at least one of the equations is not linear 29
  9. 22. set- A set with no elements 16
  10. 25. A statement that two ratios are equal a/b=c/d 35
  11. 27. An indicated root of a quantity 38
  12. 29. of variation A measure that describe the spread of a data set 25
  13. 30. sample A sample that does not fairly represent the population 4
  14. 31. The closeness of a given measurement 2
  15. 33. square A number whose positive square root is whole number 31
  16. 35. The sum of all the values in a data set divided by that describes the center of a data set24
  17. 36. A survey of an entire population 7
  1. 1. of a set- An item in a set 15
  2. 2. model A quadratic function used to represent a set of data 37
  3. 3. number A counting number 28
  4. 4. A compound statement that uses the word or 13
  5. 5. factor- The base 1+r in an exponential expression 19
  6. 6. imaginary number See imaginary number 36
  7. 8. A polynomial with two terms 5
  8. 9. The discriminant of the quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 is b^2-4ac 12
  9. 11. events An event made up two or more simple events 9
  10. 12. A member of the set of whole numbers and their opposites 20
  11. 13. The distance around a circle 8
  12. 15. set- A set with an unlimited, or infinite number of element 22
  13. 19. Factor The base 1 - r in an exponential expression 11
  14. 21. The expression under a radical sign 39
  15. 23. The set of all possible input values of a relation or function 14
  16. 24. A measure of the steepness of surfaces, expressed as percent 18
  17. 26. of a hyperbola One of the two symmetrical parts of the hyperbola 6
  18. 28. A possible result of a probability experiment 30
  19. 32. shift A horizontal translation of a periodic function 32
  20. 34. A comparison of two quantities by division 40