
  1. 3. Mathematical name for a whole number
  2. 5. The number on the top of a fraction
  3. 8. The topic of this crossword
  4. 9. Per one hundred
  5. 10. A chart that uses lines in groups of fives
  6. 12. Numbers below zero
  7. 13. The number at the bottom of a fraction
  8. 14. A division method that is used when dividing 2 or more digit numbers by 2 or more digit numbers.
  9. 15. The process of using the opposite method to check your answer
  1. 1. The process of combining two number
  2. 2. The process of adding a number over and over again, as a pose to multiplication
  3. 4. The order which progressively gets smaller
  4. 6. In an order which progressively gets larger
  5. 7. The process of taking one number away from another
  6. 11. The opposite of multiplication