Maths Terms

  1. 3. a type of mathematical question
  2. 8. measurement of chance
  3. 9. Diagram, a way of comparing sets or data
  4. 12. a way of showing fractions of ten
  5. 13. triangle with equal length and angles
  6. 14. one hundredth of a metre
  7. 15. Upright or at right angles
  8. 17. understand and write in different form
  1. 1. method to compare objects
  2. 2. Position is like horizon
  3. 4. the most
  4. 5. a system to record measurements
  5. 6. three sided object
  6. 7. 1000 metres
  7. 10. 4 sided object with parallel sides
  8. 11. triangle with all different lengths or sides
  9. 16. a type of triangle with 2 equal sides