matrix puzzle
- 1. in which all its diagonal elements are equal to be scalar , say k.
- 3. if all the elements except principal diagonal are zero.
- 5. if each of its diagonal elements is unity.
- 8. if A = transpose of conjugate of A
- 13. if AA* = I
- 14. in which number of rows and columns are not equal.
- 2. vertical lines
- 4. if A = A’.
- 6. if every element above and below the leading diagonal of square matrix is zero.
- 7. if AA’ = I.
- 9. if square of A = I.
- 10. in which number of rows and columns are equal.
- 11. interchange the rows and columns of given matrix A.
- 12. it is a collection of numbers arranged in the form of rectangular array.
- 15. if each of its elements is zero.