
  1. 3. a type of mixture where particles remain
  2. 4. used to separate mixtures with metals
  3. 9. separating a substance by boiling and
  4. 13. separation method that completely
  5. 14. bottom
  6. 15. separating a substance by boiling,
  7. 17. and condensation
  8. 18. pouring liquid off the top of a mixture
  9. 20. that are physically combined matter amount of material in a substance
  1. 1. amount of space taken up by an object
  2. 2. process of a gas changing to a liquid
  3. 5. components of a suspension
  4. 6. liquids that do not mix together
  5. 7. all the sediments have settled to
  6. 8. substance that is dissolved in a solution
  7. 10. matter that consists of two or more
  8. 11. compounds
  9. 12. method of separating mixtures with
  10. 16. smallest particle that makes up matter
  11. 19. and do settle at the bottom