
  1. 2. another word for power
  2. 3. have a positive charge
  3. 8. normal electrical and thermal energy
  4. 11. The total weight of an object
  5. 12. Everything that has mass
  6. 15. flows freely but is of constant volume
  7. 16. the rings of electrons about the nucleus
  8. 17. Apart or aspect of something abstract
  9. 19. can repel and attract
  10. 20. firm and stable in shape
  1. 1. Characteristics of an item
  2. 4. the central and most important part
  3. 5. a table of all elements
  4. 6. expand freely to fill the container
  5. 7. have a neutral charge
  6. 9. low electrical and thermal conductivity
  7. 10. a group of atoms bonded together
  8. 13. colorless fluid
  9. 14. have a negative charge
  10. 18. high electrical and thermal conductivity