
  1. 2. cannot be separated by physical means
  2. 3. The change of state from a liquid to a solid state
  3. 6. measure of the amount of force of attraction between objects due to gravity.
  4. 7. metric temperature scale on which water freezes a 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees
  5. 11. The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid phase to a gas phase
  6. 14. process by which a substance becomes a new and different substance
  7. 16. mixture that is not uniform in composition ; samples might not be the same
  8. 17. the amount of matter in an object
  9. 19. phase in which matter has a definite shape and volume; particles are packed together
  10. 21. contains two or more elements chemically combined that can not be physically separated
  11. 22. state in which matter can exist: solid, liquid, gas or plasma
  12. 24. anything with mass and takes up space
  13. 25. made up of two types of matter that can be physically separated
  1. 1. When a substance turns from a solid to a liquid
  2. 2. the process in which a solid changes directly into a gas
  3. 4. measurement of how much mass is contained in a given volume of an object
  4. 5. the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid phase to a solid phase
  5. 8. a mixture in which the composition is uniform throughout; samples would have the same makeup.
  6. 9. matter that takes both the shape and volume of its container; particles are spaced apart
  7. 10. when a gas turns to a liquid
  8. 12. when a gas turns straight to a solid
  9. 13. shorthand way of representing an element
  10. 14. property that describes how a substance changes into a new substance
  11. 15. The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas
  12. 18. simplest type of a substance; has only one kind of atom
  13. 20. the amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed within a container, especially when great.
  14. 23. matter with no definite shape but with a definite volume