Matter and its 3 states

  1. 4. When measuring the volumes of liquids, the apparatus used must be placed on a table and not carried around and the eye must be positioned at the same level as the m___________ or lowest curved part of the liquid in the apparatus used.
  2. 6. Gases do not have a fixed volumes too. Thus they can spread and f________ from one location to another.
  3. 8. In order to obtain r__________ data, the data should be collected at least three times and then its average calculated and taken down.
  4. 9. When using different measuring cylinders, we need to study the apparatus carefully to find out how much volume is recorded by one gap or i_________ in the measuring cylinder. In some measuring apparatus, 1 gap or i_________,is equal to 1 ml or 1 cm3 of volume but in others it may be 10 ml or 100 ml etc.
  5. 10. Solid matter has both fixed or d_________ shape and volume.
  6. 12. Matter can exist in t______ states namely: a solid, a liquid or a gas.
  7. 15. If we want to measure the volumes of solids we need to use the d___________ of water method. In this method, we use a fixed volume of liquid in a measuring cylinder and then we lower the solid completely into the measuring cylinder of the known volume of liquid. The water level of the liquid will then rise and we can substract the volume of the liquid alone from the new volume of solid with water. The difference in the two volumes will be the volume of the solid given.
  8. 18. A solid is different from a liquid as solids have fixed s________ but liquids can always take the s_______ of the containers that it is put in.
  9. 20. Gases are usually i______________ or cannot be seen unless it is purposely coloured or given a certain colour so that it can be easily seen as in the making of coloured smoke bombs.
  1. 1. Both solids and liquids cannot be squeezed into a smaller volume or they are not c_____________. However gases can be c__________ because it does not have a fixed volume.
  2. 2. An a__________ data can be obtained by ensuring that the apparatus used has no zero error and we should use better and precise apparatus that could measure to more decimal places for example.
  3. 3. To measure mass of matter, we can make use of the electronic or lever b____________.
  4. 5. One of the changes of state that could happen is m__________ when solids can change to a liquid. Other changes of state include boiling, evaporation, condensation and freezing.
  5. 7. Another word which means "occupies space" is having v_________.
  6. 11. An example of something which can be considered as non-matter are s__________ as these have'nt got both mass and volume.
  7. 13. The three states can change from one phase to another depending on whether h_______ is gained or removed/lost and this will cause the state of the matter to change from one state to another.
  8. 14. The apparatus that can be used to directly measure the volumes of liquids is the m______________cylinders.
  9. 16. The amount of matter in a substance or body is called its m______.
  10. 17. In the electronic balance, to ensure that there is no error in the apparatus, the t_______ button should be pressed when the machine is switched on and before placing any objects on the balance before it was first used.
  11. 19. For solids that do not s______ in water, we need to use another solid that does s_______ in water and tie them together before we can use the displacement of water method.