
  1. 2. Science concerned with discovering ways to turn metals to gold.
  2. 6. Supposition or proposed explanation.
  3. 7. Space taken up by a substance.
  4. 9. Anything that takes up space.
  5. 10. Glass container for lab use.
  6. 12. Safe way to smell chemicals.
  7. 15. What you do to show you understood the lab.
  8. 18. What you do when you do a lab.
  9. 19. Capacity to do work or transfer heat.
  1. 1. Shape assumed by the surface of a liquid in a cylindrical container.
  2. 3. Facts gathered from a lab.
  3. 4. Property that depends on type of matter.
  4. 5. Science that deals with the structure and properties of a substance.
  5. 8. Assertion of the truth.
  6. 11. Property that depends on amount of matter.
  7. 13. Often substituted by weight.
  8. 14. Length, grams, seconds
  9. 16. Storage for harmful chemicals.
  10. 17. Mass/Volume