
  1. 4. change you can see
  2. 8. water turning to water vapor
  3. 9. measured by volume
  4. 10. hard phase of matter
  5. 12. point at which liquid turns to a solid
  6. 13. water
  7. 14. steam, really hot water
  8. 16. the amount of mass in an object
  9. 17. point at which solid turns to a liquid
  10. 18. a substance that cannot be broken down
  1. 1. larger than an atom
  2. 2. anything that has mass
  3. 3. solid liquid gas plasma
  4. 4. electricity
  5. 5. change you cannot see
  6. 6. the step of the water cycle before precipitation
  7. 7. smaller than a molecule
  8. 11. point at which water bubbles and gets very hot
  9. 15. a mixture of a single substance