  1. 3. the changes of matter
  2. 6. 2 things that are almost impossible to separate like salt water
  3. 7. when water becomes water vapor
  4. 8. change of a chemical properties
  5. 10. when gas becomes a liquid
  6. 13. How much space something takes up.
  7. 15. the point where a chemical boils
  8. 18. the point where a chemical melts
  1. 1. the amount of space matter takes up.
  2. 2. anything that takes up space and has mass
  3. 3. change of a physical properties
  4. 4. the point when water freezes
  5. 5. it is the fastest moving element, think of static electricity
  6. 9. Smallest part of matter
  7. 11. a substance that cannot be broken down into other substances
  8. 12. it’s the slowest moving element, once it is in a shape it doesn't change.
  9. 14. the smartest part in a chemical
  10. 16. it’s molecules move faster than a liquid but slower than plasma
  11. 17. 2 chemicals like (H20) oxygen & hydrogen
  12. 18. 2 or more things that are easy to separate (trail mix)
  13. 19. it takes it’s shape of its container, it moves faster than a solid but slower than a gas