
  1. 2. state of matter(ice like)
  2. 4. liquid mixtures with solid substances
  3. 7. which are obtained from raw materials
  4. 9. only have one component
  5. 11. are particles that connot be seen
  6. 14. all that occupies a space and can be weighed
  7. 15. amount of heat a body can give off or absorb
  8. 16. amount of matter in a body
  9. 17. we cannot see the substances that make up
  10. 19. how concentrate the mass is
  1. 1. has two or more different substances
  2. 3. which are used in exactly the same stats
  3. 4. are components of matter
  4. 5. length, surface, volume
  5. 6. we can distingish the components
  6. 8. state of matter(air like)
  7. 10. is the distance between two bodies
  8. 12. is the space occupied by length and width
  9. 13. is total space occupied by lenght and width
  10. 18. state of matter(water like)